Ultralight Plane(*5)

  Ultralight plane, also called Microlight plane, falls in the category of Super Light Weight Power Airplane according to the Japanese Aviation Law. The body of an Ultralight is made of steel, aluminum, wires, and, for wings, of Dacron. The plane is usually powered by a 2-cycle several-horsepower engine.  
  The Ultralight must meet the following requirements.  
  1. Single or double seats.
  2. Weight; Single seat—less than 180kg., Double seats—less than 225kg.
  3. Wing span must be over 10 square meters.
  4. Stall speed—less than 65km., Maximum horizontal speed—less than 185km.
  5. Powered by propellers.
  6. Should be equipped with landing wheels, sled, or floats.
  7. Fuel capacity must be less than 30 liters.
  8. Should have an air speed indicator and an altimeter.

 Ultralight Plane