■田崎清忠 オフィシャルウェブサイト
◆元NHK-TV英語会話講師 Former Instructor,NHK-TV English Conversation Programs
◆横浜国立大学名誉教授 Professor Emeritus,Yokohama National University
◆前東京純心女子大学学長 Former President,Tokyo Junshin Women's College
The renewed and updated Kiyo Tazaki Official Website promises varieties of interesting and stimulating information. In addition to the two blogs—one by myself and the other by prominent linguist scholars, the site now offers easy access to such links as “The Historical Anecdotes of NHK-TV English Conversation,” “My Autobiography on English Study,” and “Dictionary of American Daily Vocabulary.”
You can now listen to my lectures presented at different meetings,
by simply clicking the buttons. You are cordially invited to experience the maximum fun through using this Official Website.